Fair Usage Policy

Laseroo (PTY) LTD is a privately owned Company (hereafter referred to as the Service Provider)

This is an agreement between yourself, your organization (hereafter referred to as the Account Holder)

By use of the Service Providers services you agree to comply with the Service Provider published policies.

This agreement will automatically renew for the same successive period(s) specified by the Account Holder on the initial order. This agreement will renew every month unless canceled via fax, e-mail prior to the renewal date and, in the case of fax or e-mail, after receipt of the reconfirmation. Renewal of services by Account Holder indicates agreement to Contract revisions.

The Service Provider may from time to time change the terms and conditions on this agreement without prior notice.


Absolute Hosting is a service provider, offering related Internet services over the Internet.

Account Holder is a person, organization or entity who engages with The Service Provider for the purpose of using any of the services provided by The Service Provider.

Fair Usage Policy Overview

A Fair Usage Policy is necessary to ensure our hosting services are used fairly and our services operate reliably for all customers. Resources provided on all services are governed by this Fair Usage Policy.

Our aim is to provide a fair hosting service to all Account Holders. We believe that it would be unfair to impose fixed limits on certain resource utilization and consumption. To impose an actual figure on what we consider to be “excessive” use is not necessarily helpful and may penalize users unfairly. What is deemed excessive will be determined by a number of factors including (but not limited to) the length of time which your over usage continues as well as the amount of resources being used by a specific resource, or individual resource.

Dedicated Server Specific Fair Usage Policy

Dedicated servers will be used within the limits that the hardware was designed for and as set out by the manufacturer. This means that you may not rent or purchase a dedicated server from us for the sole purpose of using an application that consumes CPU resources over an extended period of time – a simple example is Crypto Mining.

Dedicated servers can quickly use up all the network resources available and for this reason we may apply a limit of 100GB traffic for every R100.00 spent on your monthly server bill. For example, if your server costs you R1000.00 per month, the limit for your usage over a monthly basis is 1000GB. Should you exceed this amount over an extended period or drastically exceed this amount over a short period of time we will contact you to advise of usage and additional charges which may be billed to your account. Any additional charges will be billed at the same rate of R100.00 for every 100GB traffic.

Fair Usage Policy Breach

In the event that we, by reasonable opinion we believe that your usage exceeds the constraints of a service you have subscribed to we will contact you by e-mail. You are required to investigate and resolve the issue within 48 hours and provide feedback, including your findings and resolution to the issue. Should no resolution be found and the issue persists after the initial 48 hours The Service Provider reserve the right to disable or suspend the offending services until such time that a long term solution is found.

In certain circumstances it may be necessary to suspend, disable or limit services or resources with immediate affect in order to restore stability on servers or services which are negatively affected by a particular resource which may consume excessive resources and cause instability on the affected services or environment. In such event the account holder shall be notified of the issue and given notice to migrate the affected service(s) to a more suitable solution. During such time such services may remain suspended or disabled until resolution is obtained.

Prohibited Content and Services

The Service Provider does not allow its services to be used in a manner which may cause excessive resource usage. Examples of such may include domains which are used for downloading of files larger than 1024 KB per file. File storage service, backup service / storage, public or private ftp services, proxy services, vpn services, file sharing services, streaming services or any other service which may directly or in directly generate excessive consumption are explicitly not permitted.

Storage of executable files (.exe or .msi) on any of The Service Provider shared servers are strictly prohibited.

The Service Provider reserves the right to monitor for and remove such files without notice or warning.

Waiver of Rights

The Service Provider may not be held responsible for any damages or loss of income which may arise from actions taken by The Service Provider. The Service Provider makes no warranties, expressed or implied for services provided. The Service Provider disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by The Service Provider and its employees


The Service Provider reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any provision of this Policy at any time without notice.

Reporting Abuse

Any party seeking to report any violations of this policy can make use of the form below.

Report Abuse

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