This knowledgebase article will help you to install AnyDesk on Windows. Laseroo (PTY) LTD uses AnyDesk to provide remote support to our clients.
This tutorial will guide you on downloading and installing AnyDesk for Windows.
1. Go to the Anydesk Website
You can access the Anydesk website by going to:

Or download the file from here.
2. Open the Program
Locate the file you’ve just downloaded and run the installation.

By default, this will be in C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\Downloads\

AnyDesk can run without being installed, but it’s best to install it so that you can easily find it in your start menu.
3. AnyDesk Security Warning
A window will popup asking Do you want to run this file? , double check that you have downloaded from a trusted source and click on Run.

4. Installing Anydesk on Windows
AnyDesk can run without being installed, but it’s best to install it so that you can easily find it in your Start Menu and Desktop.
Click on Install AnyDesk on this device…

5. Installing Anydesk on Windows
After clicking on Install AnyDesk on this device… you will be presented with the following screen.

Check if all the settings and installation path is correct and click on Accept & Install.
6. Installing Anydesk Printer
Another Windows Security Window popup will appear asking if Would you like to install this device software?

Simply click Install and finish the installation.
7. Welcome to Anydesk
Congratulations you just finished the installation of AnyDesk remote Software!
Click on Get Started! and let’s get you sorted.

8. Your Anydesk Desk ID
Supply us with your unique Anydesk Desk ID which you can find on the left hand side of the screen.
Your Desk ID can be found in the upper left part of the AnyDesk application.

9. Accept and Connect
We will then request access to your computer which you must accept in order for us to connect
Only give access to your computer to people you know and trust.

Stand by your computer and watch what we are doing, we may have some questions for you.